
Core Values @ FP
These are our mission non-negotiables, things that we are ready and willing to die for. They represent what we are not willing to sacrifice in the accomplishment of the mission. We define these missional motives as the shared convictions that guide the actions and reveal the strengths of Fellowship Pickering. They are the values that represent the conscious and collective soul of Fellowship Pickering because they express our most deeply held ideals. They define our ethos. These values serve are filters for decision making and spring-boards for daily action. They are the constant reminder of what is most important to Church.
Faith-Filled Risks
Demonstrated by a willingness to start new churches, ministries, and taking bold, Spirit-empowered, steps of faith to move FP forward in advancing the Kingdom of God as we REFUSE to remain stagnant in our faith individually and collectively as a church.
Key Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7
Faith as a Journey
Demonstrated by an appreciation that God is speaking and actively drawing our world to Himself. We will include all people in the life and activities of FP REGARDLESS of where individuals are on their journey with Christ. We understand that at times this will be messy, challenging, and frustrating. However, we will be a people, individually and collectively that remembers God reconciled us to Himself in the midst of our rebellion.
Key Verse: Philippians 1:6
Generous Living
Demonstrated by selflessly looking to serve others (inside the church AND out) in practical, and “real needs” ways. We are generous with our time, homes, finances, and spiritual gifts, understanding that all good gifts come from above in order to bless others. We strive to live “open handed” with these gifts and leverage our resources to advance the Kingdom of God.
Key Verse: Proverbs 11:24
Bold Invitation
Demonstrated by actively inviting those outside of the church into the life and activity of Fellowship Pickering. This includes Gospel conversations with neighbours, co-workers, family, etc. Invitations to Sunday morning worship services, LifeGroups, community outreach events, and serve opportunities. We invite (by faith) trusting that the Spirit has gone before us and blesses our faithfulness.
Key Verse: Mark 1:7
Compassionate Care
Demonstrated by wrestling with injustices and other problems in our society. We are not content to
Key Verse: Isaiah 1:7
Transparent & Trusting Relationships
Demonstrated by numerous opportunities including LifeGroups, Discipleship Meet-ups, meals in homes, etc to interact and be in fellowship with one another and our community. The only way to really get to know others is to be around others. As these relationships are cultivated transparency and trust will become staples for health.
Key Verse: Galatians 6:2
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