What to Expect
Currently, your children will sit with you during the service. The Sunday school lesson is shared before the sermon. Activity sheets and pencil crayons will be provided for your children based on the lesson which they can work on during the service. We provide a table for your family, so your children can easily work on their activities. We hope to resume our separate Sunday school program in the near future as we are able. Below is our previous Sunday school program.
Nursery (0 to 3 years old)
We have a fully staffed nursery for babies 0-3 years old. Trained volunteers provide Biblical lessons to our youngest disciples in a caring and nurturing environment while you attend and participate in the worship service. We maintain a healthy adult-to-child ratio to ensure that children are safely and comfortably monitored and cared for.
Kids Church (Kindergarten to Grade 5)
Our Kids Church is for children who are in kindergarten to grade 5. Your kids will really enjoy themselves as they engage in a short video Bible story and fun Biblical teaching, followed by crafts, games, and so much more as they learn how everything connects back to Jesus.
Safety & Snacks
Our team of volunteers undergo a police background checks and a process of training in order to be equipped to teach and train up the next generation to be men and women who follow Christ. We also aim to maintain a healthy adult-to-child ratio to ensure that children are comfortably monitored.
We endeavour to have a nut-free snacks available. Specificy your child’s allergies and dietary restrictions when you register them. You are also welcome to send a specific snack with your child.
Got Questions?
Check out some of our Kids Church videos!
Jesus is Always With Me!
Jesus Help Me Believe!
Easter Escapade!
We Can Serve Others!
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